Friday, June 6, 2014

the sun through a bead of water

i'm on a constant search for a rainbow...i beg, to see one every now and then. i knew i wouldn't see one on a hot day like it was, besides, the occurrence needed the koel to sing her song and beg for the rain to fall. 
a regular hot day, my search for meaning; for things to fill each hour, making it worthy of waking. thin lines making that difference between home-in-studio or studio-in-home scratched on my insides....dark line drawings of frustration emerge.
the regular doorbell No.3, after istri kapda and bai. And an with an 'i know who that is' feeling i opened the door................kachrawali.
below my usual eye-level stood four bright eyes, two dirt streaked faces, wisps of dry brown hair all over the eyes, sweat beading at the upper lip and brow, but a grin,Kachro Aapo, and a giggle to return my grin. i turned two steps into my kitchen and i searched, this time not for meaning, but for some treat, something to befit the trip, to reward the hope that these little ones bring as they come knocking on my door.
All i could find was a watermelon wedge in the fridge. i cut it into two and rather shyly for the size it was, i took it along with kachra in my other hand.
the grins widened, their feet stopped, almost into my door, (maybe reminded by the ingrained instruction not to cross the rekha in bunglas  ....but their thrill came right in, their drool wet their smile as it wet my eyes.
And as i squinted at the bright sun through my door, as i watched, a hop and a jump and a slurp and a giggle...and a giggle and a hop and a slurp and a jump...........
i suddenly saw rainbows, not one but two at the base of my eye-lids.


Vinodini said...

No brighter rainbows than the ones you saw under your eye-lids! I'm sure you made her day with the watermelon wedge!
Lovely reading this! Keep writing more :)

dustpan said...

thanks Vinodini Iyer